Download Formats: M4V, AVI, MTS, MKV, M2TS, 3GP, ASF
original title: What the Butler Saw
genge: Action,Comedy,Crime,Mystery,Romance,Sci-Fi,Thriller
duration: 52min
keywords: sexualtension

This was an enjoyable episode with plenty of laughs and a little twist at the end. Early laughs are provided by Steed's appearance as he visits each of the military men; the cliché facial hair is great; especially when he is posing as an RAF officer with a ridiculously impressive moustache! Later fun is to be had as he undertakes training as a butler. Mrs Peel's method of attracting the Group Captain is also rather amusing as is the revelation that he only carries on with so many women because his reputation demands it he'd rather play board games with them. The bad guys are suitably unpleasant; I particularly liked John Le Mesurier portrayal of one of the bad butlers so different from his best known role of Sgt Wilson in the classic series 'Dad's Army'. Overall this provided a good mixture of humour and drama making it a pretty good episode. Neat little episode in which Steed infiltrates a gang of butlers who serve in the households of high-ranking military officers, learn their weaknesses, and use those weaknesses as instruments to learn military intelligence to be passed on to "the other side." Mrs. Peel helps by insinuating herself into the desires of a womanizing RAF officer.
Most amusing scene is when Steed attends a kind of basic training course for butlers. He must learn the correct way to maintain a dignified presence while acting in a properly subservient manner. They practice their lines, for instance. "Your carriage is waiting, sir." "Did you ring, sir?" "Shall I serve the aperitifs now, sir?" "A lady to see you sir. (Q: "What does she look like?") She's, ahem, young -- and rather pretty, sir." Ironing trousers by the numbers, and all that.
Most awkward scene: The RAF officer brusquely tries to seduce Mrs. Peel who must put him off by gracefully ducking away and finally throwing him over her shoulder.
The familiar face of John Le Mesurier appears. If you don't know the name you'll recognize the actor. Other performers of note show up in one or another episode -- Gordon Jackson, Andre Morrell. They all seem to be having a good deal of fun.
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